
19 December 2022

This section helps you to identify and describe your target audience. There are four main groups to consider:

• Householders - the focus of your communications.
• Internal groups - your staff, senior officers, elected members, other council staff who need to know about your communications plan and may be able to help.
• External groups - such as the media, community groups, other local authorities.
• Specific subgroups – community groups, hard to reach/engage groups, potential partners to help communicate your messages such as caretakers, landlords and housing associations.

  • Communicating with residents
  • Local Authorities
19 December 2022

This section looks in detail at defining your communications aim and setting your overall objectives.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Service design
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Local Authorities
19 December 2022

This section looks at how to develop a situational analysis using the information gathered in Section 2.

  • Communicating with residents
  • Local Authorities
19 December 2022

This section looks at the information you need to gather to assess your current position and carry out a situational analysis (the next stage of the strategy development process).

• The area and the people living in it – who they are, how old they are, where they live, what types of houses they live in, what their lifestyles are.
• How well they use the local recycling and waste management services.
• What are their barriers to recycling?

  • Collections & recycling
  • Service design
  • Communicating with residents
  • Local Authorities
15 December 2022

A practical guide to improving recycling performance through effective communications with your residents.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Service design
  • Contamination prevention
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Local Authorities
13 December 2022

A review of plastic waste management practices, life cycle assessments, challenges and opportunities

This report provides an overview of current waste management practices for plastic waste in the UK and critically reviews end of life plastic waste life cycle assessments to highlight best practice waste management methods. The report further identifies challenges and potential solutions to help move UK plastic waste up the waste hierarchy.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Global Plastics Pacts
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Re-use and recycling
8 December 2022

In order to implement a real circular economy, we need to change the way we produce, consume and dispose of our products. The Accelerator Session ‘Plastics: from a linear problem to circular solutions’ will be delivered in collaboration by WRAP, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank on the 8th December under the frame of the 2022 World Circular Economy Forum (6th-8th December 2022) held in Kigali, Rwanda. This remote Accelerator Session will focus on the much-discussed issue of plastics, showing new data about the effect of plastic waste mismanagement and discussing the actions that many stakeholders and innovators are taking to explore and implement solutions.

  • Global Plastics Pacts
5 December 2022

The purpose of this guide is to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of the design process needed when developing recycling promotions.
  • Signpost you to other guidance documents available to help you plan your communications.
  • Provide advice on how to work with a design agency or internal design team to develop and deliver promotional material and the timescales involved.
  • Collections & recycling
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Local Authorities
5 December 2022

This document aims to help you estimate the cost of communications activities. The indicative costs will help you develop an initial budget for your communications and give you an indication of what is acceptable value for money.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Local Authorities
5 December 2022

Monitoring the impact of communications is essential to determine what has been effective and demonstrate the value and success of communications activity.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Local Authorities
5 December 2022

This is a guide for local authority waste and recycling officers to help develop kerbside collection calendars. These are essential communication tools and provide householders with information about their waste and recycling collection frequency and instructions on how to participate.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Consistency in collections
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Local Authorities
5 December 2022

The purpose of this guide is to raise awareness and understanding of print processes in common use and how they work.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Communicating with residents
  • Collections and sorting
  • Textiles sourcers, producers and designers
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities