Creating a world where resources are sourced and used sustainably
WRAP was established as a not-for-profit company in 2000; we became a charity in 2014.
We work across six continents with governments, businesses and citizens to create a world where resources are sourced and used sustainably.
Working with us means accessing our expertise, know-how on delivering lasting change through our business voluntary agreements, citizen behaviour change, technical support, grants and investments, and policy and insights. We work across the system, and through the value chain. We bring people together and make changes at all points to bring about the systemic change that is needed.

Delivering a solid impact
We have a unique ability to bring together governments, businesses and the voluntary sector to change behaviour and attitudes in ways that neither governments nor individual companies can working on their own.
They recognise our expertise and by working with us we can achieve rapid large-scale change which is both measurable and enduring.
Working in the areas of food and drink, plastic packaging, clothing and textiles and collections and recycling, we offer the following services.

Business voluntary agreements
We design, develop and manage collaborative change programmes, mobilising businesses, governments, local authorities and other stakeholders to reduce the end-to-end environmental impacts in key sectors of production and consumption – food, textiles and plastic packaging.

Technical support
We deploy technical expertise to assist in policy changes by international organisations and national governments. We also provide help to businesses.

Citizen behaviour change
Based on robust insight and research, we develop, pilot, deliver and evaluate behaviour change programmes to help citizens live a more sustainable lifestyle. Our suite of campaigns, tools and interventions are then amplified by a diverse range of stakeholders who value our evidence-based approach.

Grants and investments
We manage grants, loans and investments to help increase the use of recycled materials, growing recycling capacity or overcoming specific market failures by acting as a catalyst to encourage other funders to invest.

Policy and insights
We provide expert research, modelling and advice to help international organisations and national governments develop waste prevention and recycling policies.