
17 August 2020

There are a number of existing tools and benefits calculators which can be used to predict and monitor the impact of waste prevention activities. The tools use different information and methodologies to generate the results. Some offer a predictive indication of the potential impact of a service or activity to inform decision making whilst some will provide a retrospective impact based on activity information. The most appropriate tool for a local authority will depend on their specific monitoring and evaluation needs.

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Local Authorities
17 August 2020
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Surplus food redistribution
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Re-use & recycling
  • Local Authorities
17 August 2020

There are various ways to approach measuring the impact of a service or waste prevention activity. The appropriate approach to adopt will depend on the service/activity being measured and the time and resources available for monitoring. Common approaches are outlined below with more detail available in the monitoring and evaluation guidance section. 

There are also a number of measurement tools available which will indicate the impact of an intervention, during the planning and/or delivery stages.

  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Local Authorities
17 August 2020

Monitoring and evaluating waste prevention scheme performance is something that all local authorities should be doing as a matter of routine. Not only does it enable assessment of whether schemes are performing as expected, it also helps diagnose problems, design new approaches and ultimately improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Local Authorities
12 August 2020

This customisable template is for use to support your reporting to food waste destinations only.

  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Hospitality and food service
29 June 2020

A cross-industry vision to optimise productivity and minimise waste from farm to fork.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Surplus food redistribution
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Guardians of Grub
  • Guardians of Grub Becoming a Champion
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Food date labelling
  • Meat, poultry and fish
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • Household food waste
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Trade associations
17 March 2020
  • Practical guides developed with industry.
  • Help plan and undertake field measurements.
  • Field Record Sheet & Reporting Template to help record measurements.
  • Enable growers to identify opportunities to reduce waste and increase marketed yield.
  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Surplus food redistribution
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Trade associations
24 January 2020

This report outlines progress in reducing UK food waste and greenhouse gas emissions associated with food consumed in the UK – in the context of the Courtauld Commitment 2025 targets (2015 to 2018) and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 (2007 to 2018).

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
24 January 2020

WRAP’s latest data show that the strategies developed under Courtauld 2025, and delivered through wide-ranging partnerships, are working.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Surplus food redistribution
  • Water stewardship
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Guardians of Grub
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Food date labelling
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
1 January 2020

This document is intended to answer the most frequently asked questions that relate to the key elements of the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap and support its implementation. These are based on feedback gathered during the consultation process with the UK food and drink industry during 2018.

  • Food and drink
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Guardians of Grub
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
23 September 2019

Outlining progress made in the first year of the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.

  • 185 organisations committed to the Roadmap, including 156 food businesses.
  • 121 large businesses provided evidence of having implemented Target, Measure, Act.
  • More than 40 businesses publicly reported food surplus and waste data in 2019.
  • Engagement and training sessions were held with more than 150 businesses.
  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Guardians of Grub
  • Meat, poultry and fish
  • Fresh produce sector
  • Dairy sector
  • Bakery sector
  • Ambient foods sector
  • Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
Case study
19 September 2019

Find out about the many convenience, chilled and frozen food businesses that have signed up to the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap, and are taking targeted action to reduce waste in their own operations.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Manufacturers