Through our world leading initiatives and collaborative partnerships, WRAP aims to halve food waste, reduce water stress and drive down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to fix our broken food system and future-proof food.
Worldwide, 72% of freshwater is used in agriculture, with around 30% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from the food and drink industry. And roughly 30% of food produced doesn’t even get consumed – it is lost or wasted during production or in retail and households.
To future proof our food system we must change the way food is produced and consumed. Our technical expertise, evidence base and power to convene the food and drink value chain helps policy makers, businesses and citizens around the world take the right actions.
Actions that will secure a resilient food system where we will halve food waste across food manufacturer retail and in our homes, reduce food related GHG emissions and protect critical water resources for food supply. Be part of the change. Join us.
Delivering transformative change
Food Pact Network
A global movement accelerating action on food loss and waste. This interconnected community brings together pacts and initiatives worldwide to collaborate, share knowledge and challenge harmful processes and policies. Together, we’re reducing food waste for the benefit of businesses, people and the planet, driving progress towards international sustainability goals.
The UK Food and Drink Pact
The UK’s flagship voluntary agreement for the food and drink sector to build a sustainable circular food system. Formerly the Courtauld Commitment, the UK Food and Drink Pact unites hundreds of businesses, governments and NGOs to take collective action on reducing food waste, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and managing water use sustainably for food and drink production.
UK Food and Drink Pact: Water Roadmap
The UK Food and Drink Pact’s Water Roadmap is a structured pathway to tackle unsustainable water use in the food and drink system. It helps businesses identify and address climate-related water risks in their supply chain, as well as connect those in the water sector to protect nature and support local communities connected to our farms.
UK Food and Drink Pact: Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
Developed in partnership with IGD, The UK Food and Drink Pact’s Food Waste Reduction Roadmap is a structured pathway to tackle food loss and waste across the supply chain. It helps businesses target, measure and act on food loss and waste, enabling cost-savings by identifying inefficiencies and meeting climate targets by cutting emissions linked to food waste.
Love Food Hate Waste
Love Food Hate Waste is WRAP’s global household food waste campaign to help citizens with practical solutions and techniques to reduce food waste in our homes.
Guardians of Grub
Guardians of Grub brought to you by WRAP targets action in the hospitality and food service sector. Our guidance and tools empower food professionals to reduce the amount of food thrown away in their establishments.
Priority actions for future-proofing food

Reducing food waste
WRAP’s Target, Measure, Act methodology helps food businesses take targeted action, providing tools and guidance to help measure food waste effectively and enable action through proactive implementation of food waste reduction strategies.

Reducing water stress
WRAP’s pathway and collective action projects provide practical solutions to protect critical water resources for food supply.
Vital work that will restore habitats, protect soils, increase carbon storage, support local communities, reduce pollution, and prevent flooding.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
WRAP is spearheading change across the food and drink sector to enable action toward achieving net zero.
Through our world leading Scope 3 protocols we are helping businesses measure and report food sector GHGs, and through our strategic partnerships and collaborative action programmes we are driving forward collective industry action.
Progress and impact
We have catalysed actions in manufacturing, retail and households that have seen food waste in the UK fall by over 10%.
That’s nearly 1 million tonnes of food saved, with its associated land use benefits.
UK food system GHG emission report
See more about the work we’re doing and how we’re progressing towards the UK Food and Drink Pact’s target of reducing GHG emissions from UK food and drink consumption.
Courtauld Commitment 2030 Annual Progress Report
As we approach the final five years of the Courtauld Commitment 2030, now known as the UK Food and Drink Pact, we assess the last year’s achievements and set out new priorities for WRAP and voluntary signatories.
Food Waste Reduction Roadmap Annual Report
Learn about the progress major food retailers, brands and manufactures are making in their supply chains to achieve both UK and international food waste reduction targets.
Selling uncut fruit and veg loose
Discover how our ground-breaking research into the removal of plastic packaging from fruit and veg, a simple change to date labels and correct storage advice for citizens is catalysing industry action that could significantly reduce household food waste in the UK.