Annual Report

Building on decades of pioneering radical change.

Introducing the WRAP Annual Report for 2022-23, offering an insight into our priorities, goals and achievements over the last year. 

It is a testament to the strength of our partnerships with governments, businesses, and citizens around the world that we can look back on a year of significant achievements. Despite both local and global challenges, our partners have remained committed to our shared goal of transforming the broken systems for producing and consuming food, plastics, and textiles. 

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Over the last year, WRAP has clocked up impressive achievements – as the stories in this report tell. They build on decades of pioneering radical change.

Harriet Lamb , Chief Executive , WRAP


Transforming our food system

We are building a food system fit for the future by halving food waste, halving greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting critical water sources. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • Our Citizen Campaign ‘Food Waste Action Week’ was rolled-out across 12 countries with 4.9M UK adults changing behaviour.
  • In 2022, our Courtauld 2030 Progress and Insights Report shows that signatories achieved an 8% reduction in retail food waste (2018 to 2021), saving almost £62m worth of wasted food, and 60,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Our work with retail partners including Asda, Co-op, M&S (and more) saw Best Before dates removed from thousands of products which could help save the equivalent of up to 14 million shopping baskets of food from ending up in the bin.

Our work in food

Tackling plastic pollution

We are transforming the global plastics economy to eliminate plastic pollution. Here are a few examples of our progress:

  • Recipients of our Resource Action Fund saved 11,500+ tonnes of plastic from landfill (2022/23).
  • The global Plastics Pact network grew to 14, with new a Pact in Colombia.
  • UK Plastics Pact saw an 84% reduction in problematic and unnecessary single-use plastic items.
  • The UK Plastics Pact has seen recycled content levels have risen from 9% in 2018 to 22% in 2021, saving 260,000 tonnes of CO2eq.

Our work in plastics

Building a sustainable fashion and textiles industry

We are championing circularity across the global clothing and textiles industry to reduce its climate impact. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • 115 signatories across the UK fashion and textiles industry committed to change through Textiles 2030.
  • Together with the Leeds Institute of Textiles and Colour, we are exploring the complex nature of garment durability and how this influences opportunities for circular fashion.
  • We extended our growing Textiles Action Network, launching our first circular fashion voluntary agreement to Denmark.

Our work in textiles

Developing a circular economy

We are supporting the transition to net zero through resource efficiency and more circular living. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • We positively influenced over £1 billion of Welsh public sector spend to support the reduction of emissions.
  • In 2022/23, the Circular Economy Fund saved 8,200+ tonnes of CO2 and created 29 jobs as a result of this Welsh Government initiative delivered by WRAP.
  • WRAP published 7 strategies for G7 to countries to tackle emissions, which could see their consumption-based emissions reduced by could 0.8 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.
  • Our 2022 Recycle Week saw 3.7M UK adults change their behaviour around recycling thanks to increased awareness.

Our work in the Circular Economy

Unite with us to tackle climate change

Sign up to one of our voluntary agreements.
Support our research to develop an even stronger evidence base.
Work on a joint project to deliver behaviour change.
Get involved with one of our citizen campaigns.
Donate to further our charitable aims.

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