Our Water Roadmap project in Wye & Usk (West of England and Wales)

Protecting internationally important habitats

The Wye & Usk catchments are important production areas for poultry, dairy, sheep, beef, vegetables, orchard fruit, soft fruit, and cereals. The rivers are internationally important habitats for vulnerable and endangered species, support a major recreational fishing industry, and provide drinking water for Birmingham, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and South Wales.

The health of both rivers is threatened by diffuse pollution – in particular, nutrient and sediment losses from agri-businesses. Recent media reporting has highlighted the growth of the free-range poultry and eggs sector in the last 10 years, which has been linked to record levels of phosphate in the Wye. It has also severely impacted water quality and is preventing housing development in Hereford.

For more information please visit the Wye and Usk Foundation


  • Water Roadmap collective action projects

  • UK Food and Drink Pact: the Water Roadmap

  • A Roadmap Towards Water Security for Food and Drink Supply