Fay Charlett

Head of Commercial

Fay Charlett, WRAP's Head of Commercial

Fay Charlett is the Head of Commercial and is responsible for the Legal, Commercial and Procurement activities. This includes ensuring that we find the best ways to work with partners and stay within the Public Procurement Regulations. 

Within the role Fay Leads the Commercial and Procurement teams to deliver procurement activities for WRAP, assisting the technical teams to undertake business development and where needed her team also provides in house legal support. All of this with the aim to find the best fit for purpose solution that provides as much value for money as possible with the legal framework of our Charity status.

Fay is also responsible for the Safeguarding aspects of WRAPs work both nationally and internationally.

Fay has extensive experience working for an arm’s length Government Organisation and brings that experience and years of working with both Business Development and Collaborative contracts to her role at WRAP.

With a background in Project Management, Business Development and Public Sector organisations Fay has nearly 20 years’ experience in bidding for, winning, delivering and closing out successful projects and contracts.  

Outside of work Fay enjoys walking, most crafting activities and playing board games.

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