

This year’s line-up for the BBC Food Chain’s Global Food Champion illustrates the complex challenge we face in tackling our unsustainable and inequitable global food system.


Last year, I was honoured to be invited to join the Speakers for Schools programme. Founded by journalist Robert Peston, the scheme matches speakers from all areas of life with school students of a variety of ages, to great mutual advantage in terms of understanding each other’s agendas. 


The UK Plastics Pact One Year On: Foundations are laid; let’s build on them


In the sunshine of the courtyard at the V&A Museum on Monday a diverse crowd of scientists, business leaders, politicians, councillors, campaigners, academics and restaurateurs gathered to enjoy a feast of leftovers cooked up by a star-studded cast of celebrity chefs.


You’d have to be living on another planet not to have been aware of the current focus in the UK on the future of our own planet. Of the many questions raised over climate change, one affects us all: can we as individuals make any difference? If so, what can, and should we do? The answers lie in a cocktail of politics, science and good-old gut reaction.


As I settled down to watch the Man City vs Tottenham Champions League match the other night, where Tottenham started the match one-nil up on aggregate, I began to think about what it is like to start a match with an advantage. 


Most employees will eat at least one meal at work during their day. Despite our best intentions, eating ‘on the go’ can be challenging and many will recognise the temptation to fall into bad habits in the food we buy, and generating food waste.

As experts in food sustainability, we’re probably more tuned into our habits than a lot of other people at WRAP, but that didn’t mean that the odd piece of fruit which had been lurking at the back of a locker, or half-eaten sandwich wasn’t finding itself in the food bin.


Like me, you probably have a drawer in your house filled with redundant tech: vintage phones, unidentifiable chargers, cables that sometimes work but sometimes don’t. Collectively known as WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment), it may include that old laptop that you may just need. Or the old laptop that you’d love to give away, but are worried about the data it holds. You occasionally wonder if any of it is worth anything, but haven’t quite got around to finding out.