

In this blog, Keith James, one of our delegation at COP 27, reflects on the emerging consensus around the need to tackle the way we consume goods and services if we are to have a hope of tackling climate change. Are promises and pledges enough?


This is an extract from an article which first appeared in The Grocer.


COP27, which opens in Egypt on Sunday, is being heralded as the make-or-break moment to shift from the pledges and promises of previous conferences to implementation.

WRAP has a delegation in Sharm El Sheikh. We will be unveiling a series of reports which highlight the scale of the missed opportunity in failing to tackle consumption emissions.

We spoke to Interim CEO Richard Swannell about WRAP’s hopes for COP27 and the message we will be pressing home during the meeting.


Outgoing Chair Julie Hill reflects on achievements and challenges for the climate action movement during her eight years with WRAP.


There have been exciting developments in the world of non-mechanical recycling recently. These new recycling technologies could have a huge impact on the transformation of our plastics system and our vision of a circular economy for plastics.


In this special podcast, sustainability journalist Tom Idle sat down with our outgoing chief executive, Marcus Gover to reflect on his time at WRAP.


WRAP’s latest report looks at how the G7 countries can turn commitments into action and drive a shift in the way food and goods are consumed – a critical step in the drive to net zero. Head of Policy and Insights, Keith James, spotlights the seven ways to success.


The concept of sustainability was far from my mind when I started working as a fashion designer in the mid-2000s. To me it felt that the pressure to create the next best seller, or the season’s standout item on the high street, crowded out any guilt about the planet.


The following is an extract from a piece written by our CEO Marcus Gover first published in The Grocer. In it we call on retailers to remove best before date labels on fresh fruit and veg as part of the fight against food waste.


There can’t have been many people in the UK who actually enjoyed the ferocious heat of the last 48 hours.