Statement on the Resources and Waste Strategy Consultation

Marcus Gover, CEO WRAP “We welcome the publication of these four consultation papers, setting out detailed options for how the Government intends to implement key elements of its Resources & Waste Strategy for England. Making producers pay the full cost of recycling the packaging they produce, improving the consistency of council waste collections, introducing deposits on drinks containers and taxing packaging which doesn’t include enough recycled material has the potential to transform our use of resources and waste for the better."

"WRAP has worked closely with Defra and with colleagues across the sector to ensure that these proposals are underpinned by the best evidence available. We look forward to taking a full part in the coming debate, and encourage everyone with an interest to read and respond to the consultations over the next twelve weeks, so that the Government can implement a set of policy measures that are ambitious, transformative, and will deliver in practice."

Contact details

Ian Palmer

PR Officer

01295 819 677