Multicoloured Plastic Chips

WRAP and World Economic Forum - Partner to Tackle Global Plastic Pollution together.

16 March 2022

  • Two of the leading global plastics organisations to work together to end plastic pollution

WRAP and the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) have announced a formal partnership agreement to address the global issue of plastic waste by supporting both the network of Plastics Pacts, and Global Plastic Action Partnerships around the world.

This partnership will bring together the combined knowledge, experience, and resources of two of the leading global stakeholder plastics programmes to combat this devastating issue collaboratively, with the potential to double the impact and reach.

The two are now working together with local partners in Ghana, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Indonesia, and Viet Nam and will look to expand their work further across the globe going forward.

With WRAP and GPAP sharing the same goals, the respective expertise each brings will enable a holistic approach to addressing plastic pollution on a global scale. WRAP is renowned for its experience of operational and technical expertise in managing a complex plastics initiative spanning government and business sectors, working with citizens and organisations alike to agree a shared approach to change, while GPAP brings business, government, and civil society together in coalition to create a real, measurable impact on plastic pollution action towards a circular economy. Both organisations are keen to leverage the benefit that working together will bring.

Marcus Gover, WRAP CEO, said:This partnership fills me with optimism as we continue on our journey to end plastic waste. WRAP has supported the development of Plastics Pacts on every populous continent on the planet and we see first-hand the value in tackling this issue collaboratively, across supply chains and across nations. This partnership with GPAP will enable us to collectively accelerate our impact on tackling plastic waste across the globe.”

Kristin Hughes, Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership, said: “The GPAP-WRAP partnership demonstrates the importance of organisations coming together in the direct planning, coordination and delivery of plastic waste pollution interventions, both at the global and national level. The partnership will allow us to breakdown patchwork interventions and to collaborate, share and implement best practice of keeping plastic in the economy and out of the environment. Our joint knowledge, expertise and experiences will harness how we identify legislative, policy and business practice solutions to the plastic pollution challenge. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this partnership will have on a global scale as we transition towards a more circular world.”

WRAP and the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership have agreed to work together on a number of projects going forward and will continue to place real, measurable impact at the forefront of their work together.

Notes to Editor

  • WRAP is a global NGO based in the UK. It is one of the UK’s top 5 environmental charities and works with governments, businesses and individuals to ensure that the world’s natural resources are used more sustainably. It is the charity leading the UK Plastics Pact (a world first), Courtauld Commitment 2030, Textiles 2030 as well as the citizen campaigns Love Food Hate Waste, Love Your Clothes, Clear on Plastics and Recycle Now. It also runs Food Waste Action Week and Recycle Week in the UK. WRAP works collaboratively and develops and delivers evidence-based, solutions to reduce the environmental cost of the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the plastic packaging we use. Founded in 2000 in the UK, WRAP now works with partners in forty countries, across six continents and is a Global Alliance Partner of The Royal Foundation’s Earthshot Prize
  • The Global Plastic Action Partnership harnesses the convening power of the World Economic Forum to bring together governments, businesses and civil society to translate commitments into meaningful action at both the global and national levels. GPAP ultimately aims to shape a more sustainable and inclusive world through the eradication of plastic pollution.
  • WRAP experts are available for broadcast interviews, briefings and comment: David Rogers, Head of International Programmes.
  • WEF spokesperson -, Communication Lead