Press releases

Press release
  • WRAP found that of the 193 countries submitting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) only nine commit to reducing food waste. With current global food production likely to push the Earth beyond the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. if nothing done, WRAP warns this lack of commitment to food waste reduction risks undermining climate action efforts.
  • Read the full report: Food Loss and Waste: From Commitments to Action
Press release

WRAP is pleased to announce that Kenwood, Lidl and Panasonic are confirmed sponsors for Food Waste Action Week (FWAW) 2023. Ocado Retail led the way becoming the first sponsor in August 2022.

Press release

Halloween is almost upon us, and to get into the spooky spirit of the season we’re sharing our Recycle Now and Love Food Hate Waste tips and tricks for a more sustainable Halloween!

Press release

Data released for Recycle Week 2022 reveals that we are a nation of ‘wish cyclers’, spurring Recycle Now to call on the public to come together and ‘get real’ about recycling

  • 84% of households are contaminating their recycling through well-intended ‘wish cycling’.
  • People age 55+ are the most clued up when it comes to recycling, with Gen Z the most confused.
  • Glass is the number one contaminate with many households mistakenly adding old/broken drinking glasses to their recycling.
  • Recycle Now urges people to ‘get real’ about recycling and use their handy Recycling Locator tool.
Press release

The Courtauld Commitment 2030 has expanded its reach with a new Courtauld Affiliates membership, developed to enable businesses who are part of the Food System, but don’t manufacture or retail food and drink, to support its transformation.

Press release
  • While textiles and fashion are responsible for between 4% - 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, WRAP finds the average UK adult has 118 items of clothing in their wardrobes of which one quarter (26% - 31 items) were unworn for at least a year.
  • Adult UK population spends estimated £4 billion plus** shopping for clothes each month. And while many already buy and sell pre-loved clothes, more are open to alternatives schemes to ‘buy new’ shopping like subscriptions, preloved and rental.
  • A fashion revolution could help clothe the nation sustainably, says WRAP.
Press release
  • New study from WRAP and Hellmann’s shows that 45% of people say[1] they are throwing away the same amount of food or more per week than this time last year (AUS 42%, CAN 43% UK 48% US 47%).
  • 1 in 3 people report they throw away the equivalent to one shopping bag of food per week, despite food waste costing families approximately £780 per year (ALL- 31% AUS 30%, CAN 29% UK 29% US 34%).
  • 1 in 2 people say they would value more support to be more resourceful with their food (ALL- 47% AUS 49%, CAN 46% UK 44% US 48%).
Press release
  • New study from WRAP and Hellmann’s shows that 42% of Australians say [1] they are throwing away the same amount of food or more per week than this time last year
  • 1 in 3 Australians report they throw away the equivalent to one shopping bag of food per week, despite food waste costing the average Australian Household between $2,170 and $2,700 per year
  • 1 in 2 Australians say they would value more support to be more resourceful with their food
Press release

WRAP welcomes and supports the common vision for an ambitious and effective Global Plastics Treaty, announced today by our partners the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) and WWF.


Press release

WRAP devises seven strategies for the G7 to tackle consumption-based emissions and save nearly one billion tonnes of CO2eq emissions a year, by 2030.