The chart shows the price for Amonium Nitrate.
- Organics
- Local Authorities
Figures represent the tonnages of total waste received by UK reprocessors or exporters including the packaging waste element. Data is provided by accredited UK PRN processors and exporters.
- Re-use and recycling
- Local Authorities
The price for ‘Contaminant Free Compost’ is a guide to the typical sales price of good quality composts and mulches.
The ‘Anaerobic Digestion' measure is the typical gate fee for food waste taken at anaerobic digestion sites.
The 'Open Air Windrow' measure is the typical gate fee for green waste taken for treatment at open air windrow composting sites.
The 'In-Vessel Composting' measure is the typical gate fee for food waste or combinations of food waste and green waste (possibly mixed with cardboard) or for green waste alone taken for processing at in-vessel composting sites.
Please note that the category split into AD, OAW and IVC was introduced on the LetsRecycle website in August 2012.
- Organics
- Local Authorities
This section of the data portal provides a summary of developments in the UK’s recovered glass market. The data presented here comes from respected, publicly available and regularly updated sources on the internet. By following the links above the graphics, you can find out more details on the source of the data and visit the sites to access the full data.
- Dry materials
- Organics
- Re-use and recycling
- Manufacturers
A review by contract caterer Elior highlighted potential savings of over £2,000 on a single site. Monitoring food waste generated quickly led to a more cost effective, less wasteful method of working.
- Future-proof food
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Courtauld Commitment
- Hospitality and food service
- Packaging producers
When The Oracle Shopping Centre set out to meet challenging recycling targets, it quickly discovered that the segregation of food waste not only had a major impact on landfill diversion, but also improved the quality of other waste streams.
- Future-proof food
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Courtauld Commitment
- Hospitality and food service
This guide is targeted at senior officers within waste teams at local authorities. It aims to communicate the key messages surrounding the collection of plastic bottles in a digestible and concise format that can be consulted easily during busy schedules.
- Prevent problem plastics
- The UK Plastics Pact
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Collections and sorting
- Kerbside collection
- Dry materials
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Local Authorities
A review of how different promotional mechanics are used by the UK grocery sector, and a survey to investigate the link between promotions and food waste in the UK.
- Future-proof food
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Household food waste
- Retailers and brands
There has been a very significant reduction in the amount of food waste2 generated by households in the UK between 2006/7 and 2010/11, of around 1.1 million tonnes (from 8.3 million tonnes to 7.2 million tonnes)3. Avoidable food waste has reduced by 950,000 tonnes, from 5.3 to 4.4 million tonnes, which will have delivered huge benefits to the environment, in terms of reductions in CO2e emissions, water usage and the amount of material sent to landfill. Around £2.5 billion less food is now thrown away each year compared to 2006/7. Detailed compositional analysis has not yet been undertaken to understand which types of food may have decreased the most, or how food waste generation by different types of household might have changed over this period.
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
Consumer research designed to investigate consumers' attitudes, motivations and behaviour around buying, storing, using and throwing away bread and bakery items. Insights from this research, and from assessing changes to the sensory properties of bread over time, have been used to develop recommendations to help consumers reduce bread and bakery waste.
- Future-proof food
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Household food waste
- Retailers and brands
This report provides information on collecting food waste from small businesses and schools. It highlights a series of key issues which local authorities should consider when thinking about rolling out food waste collections to businesses and schools.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Commercial waste
- Organics
- Local Authorities
An investigation of consumer attitudes and behaviour in respect of food storage and packaging.
- Future-proof food
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Household food waste