This report analyses the gate fees charged for a range of waste treatment, recovery and disposal options as reported by local authorities.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Commercial waste
- Recovered materials markets
- Gate fees
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Local Authorities
Five case studies highlighting waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) collection trials. These tested options to increase the collection of WEEE for re-use and gain maximum value from it.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Re-use
- Electricals
- Re-use and recycling
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Local Authorities
- Non-governmental organisations
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a type of resin commonly used in plastics bottles. It is widely used in the UK for fresh milk bottles, shampoo and detergent bottles.
Of the 306,000 tonnes of plastic bottles captured for recycling through local authority collections in 2011, HDPE bottles make up almost 50% of the stream. In the UK, in 2010, 76% of HDPE milk bottles were recycled.
- Prevent problem plastics
- The UK Plastics Pact
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Dry materials
- Waste management and reprocessors
WRAP commissioned the report to assess the business case for a commercially sustainable, integrated mixed plastics waste processing solution in the UK.
- Prevent problem plastics
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Waste management and reprocessors
This report details a ADAS project, in collaboration with TRADA Technology, to determine the feasibility of composting wood and/or cardboard waste with Civic Amenity green waste or kerbside-collected green waste and kitchen waste.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Organics
- Local Authorities
We published our first China market situation report in spring 2009. This update looks at the key developments in the Chinese markets for recovered paper and plastic since that report was published, including trends in demand, prices and the balance between imported and domestically recovered material.
- Prevent problem plastics
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Material Recovery Facilities
- Dry materials
- Recovered materials markets
- Market situation reports
- Manufacturers
- Waste management and reprocessors
In July 2007, we published the first paper Market Situation Report. This update looks at the key factors influencing the UK markets for recovered paper and board (recovered fibre) since then, including: developments in the domestic and overseas paper manufacturing sectors; changes in collection trends; and movements in prices.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Dry materials
- Market situation reports
- Waste management and reprocessors
WRAP’s ninth annual gate fees survey covers gate fees charged to local authorities in the UK for a range of municipal waste recycling, recovery, treatment and disposal options.
The aim of this report is to increase price transparency and, by improving the flow of information, improve efficiency in the waste management market.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Collections and sorting
- Commercial waste
- Recovered materials markets
- Gate fees
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Local Authorities
In 2012, as part of its efforts to support Courtauld Commitment 2 signatories and other supply chain stakeholders, WRAP commissioned a project to identify, develop and communicate good practice in the use of resources and materials in collating palletised loads using filmic materials throughout the UK grocery supply chain.
- Prevent problem plastics
- The UK Plastics Pact
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Dry materials
- Waste management and reprocessors
Many businesses want to recycle more glass but are concerned about potential difficulties. This article addresses some of the common problems faced by businesses looking to recycle more glass.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Dry materials
- Hospitality and food service
- Local Authorities
This quality protocol, which only applies in England and Wales, should make it easier to recycle the 6.6 million domestic windows that are replaced every year, into products such as filtration media and new windows.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Dry materials
- Waste management and reprocessors
This report presents key highlights from the recycling section of the 2015 3Rs tracking survey that have implications for recycling practices and communications.
- Accelerate the circular economy
- Consumer behaviour
- Re-use and recycling
- Local Authorities