Save £millions through food waste prevention
Work to evaluate the potential impact on food waste arisings of running a comprehensive Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) campaign has been carried out by WRAP during 2012/13. Avoidable food waste was seen to decrease by 14% in just six months and for every £1 invested up to £8 was saved.
The campaign savings are worth around £14 million each year to West London consumers.
Food waste reduction is likely to be influenced by a number of factors including the economic situation; however, this campaign in West London, provided an opportunity to understand the impact of LFHW on food waste arisings by measuring consumer behaviour and the levels of food waste either side of the campaign. It was delivered in partnership by West London Waste Authority and their six local Boroughs, Recycle for London (a partnership between WRAP and The Greater London Authority) and the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB).
LFHW is the consumer food waste campaign from WRAP, the UK’s leading body on food waste. It works in partnership with retailers, brands and local authorities to help consumers reduce food waste. WRAP also undertakes technical activity with the food industry, to change the retail environment (e.g. change products, packaging, labelling and the way food is sold) to help consumers waste less.
For more information about the campaign and its impacts, please see our detailed case study below.
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WRAP-West London Food Waste Campaign Evaluation Report_1.pdf
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WRAP-West London LFHW Impact case study_0.pdf
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