Communicating re-use is essential to increase donations of items for re-use and increase demand for donated items. WRAP provides a number of materials to support local authorities with their communications campaigns.

Key points
  • WRAP have produced a How to Guide providing step by step guidance to produce a communications plan.
  • The WRAP Partners website provides a number of materials and resources to support a communications campaign.

A major barrier to re-use is a lack of knowledge amongst householders about the opportunities for re-use in their local communities and online. A key role that a local authority can play is promoting re-use opportunities. This will increase supply and demand for items which will benefit the householder, local authorities and re-use organisations. 

How to write a communications plan to boost re-use 

This guide takes the reader through a step-by-step process to support the delivery of effective communications that help to increase both the donation of items for re-use and the purchase of second hand goods. The guide follows the nine logical and linked stages for developing communications:

  1. Background: gathering information and reviewing past and current communications. 
  2. Situational analysis: understanding the current position, what needs to be achieved, and the implications for effective communications. 
  3. Aim and objectives: setting a goal and defining a number of targets. 
  4. Target audience: identifying with whom you need to communicate. 
  5. Branding and messaging: being consistent, clear and compelling! 
  6. Strategy and communication methods: determining the overall approach and the most appropriate channels for delivering messages. 
  7. Campaign activities: deciding on individual communications activities. 
  8. Planning your activities: costing and scheduling a campaign. 
  9. Monitoring and evaluation: measuring the effectiveness of communications activities and assessing the success of the campaign against the aims and objectives.

WRAP resources

Explore WRAP's Campaign Assets for artwork, photos, guidelines and case studies from WRAP’s campaigns and brands to support communication with consumers.
