Our third Annual Report provides the most complete picture of action on tackling plastic packaging waste in the UK. It combines aggregated Pact member data from right across the supply chain, with examples of members progress against the targets. This enables us pinpoint where specific action is needed.
So, three years in, what does the picture look like?
The headline data for 2020
UK Plastics Pact members account for two thirds of all consumer packaging used in the UK. They are demonstrating significant collective and individual progress against each of the targets, but we still have a long way to go.
Tackling the issue of plastic waste helps combat climate change
Circular Economy
Reducing plastic packaging prevents carbon emissions.
Since 2018 we have seen a 10% reduction in consumer plastic packaging. That’s a 335kt CO2e reduction, equivalent to taking 150,000 cars off the road.
Using recycled plastic to make new products and packaging saves energy.
More recycled content used in plastic packaging places less strain on the earths natural resources as well as preventing carbon emissions.

Become a member
We are welcoming new members all the time, from clothing retail to DIY and the built environment.

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The UK Plastics Pact Annual Report 2020-21.pdf
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