Tamar Water Stewardship Business Board for Cornwall and Devon

Businesses are working at a catchment level in Devon & Cornwall through a business board initially chaired by South West Water (SWW). The Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT) is providing technical support to the business board and BITC, due to their experience in catchment management, local project delivery and ability to connect the board to the Tamar Catchment Partnership.

BITC is engaging businesses with suppliers based within Devon and Cornwall and using the Tamar catchment as an initial exemplar, with a view to expand this across the region in due course.

Businesses involved will have an opportunity to;

  • Share & discuss knowledge and learnings from existing environmental management within their supply chains
  • Understand current environmental management approaches, good practice and challenges at a catchment level – identifying potential solutions through discussion from different perspectives of the supply chain
  • Collaborate with other businesses from the food and beverage industry to develop a catchment level action plan and consolidate simple messaging for business
  • Understand and plan for future resilience, considering threats or opportunities for change

How to get involved?

The Business Board brings together businesses who rely on suppliers across the landscape of the South West to secure their supply chain, identify and optimise multiple ecosystem benefits whilst minimising risks with a focus on the Tamar.

The Board’s purpose is to enable, communicate and demonstrate the effective contribution of private sector businesses to shape and deliver this vision through collaborative action – with a view to growing the membership in line with the Plan through joint agreement based on emerging priorities.

Terms and Reference for the Business Board are available here. If you are interested in finding out more about the project or would like to be involved, please contact Roxarne Owen - Programme Manager at BITC Roxarne.owen@bitc.org.uk.



Food and drink