10 December 2013 Case study

City University London

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December 2013

City University London provides higher education, research and catering for around 17,000 students through six Schools. 

The university uses a large quantity of water and is taking action to reduce water use in its buildings through a refurbishment programme. A free Rippleffect site visit by WRAP led to total annual water savings of up to 2,500m3, with associated potential cost savings worth up to £5,000.

Actions taken include:

  • continued monitoring of water use and cross-checking meter readings with water bills;
  • installing flush controllers to all urinals that were previously uncontrolled;
  • checking and regulating water pressure;
  • carrying out regular checks on overflows, pipework, valves and water using appliances; and
  • engaging staff and students in water efficiency through a behaviour change programme.

“The Rippleffect provided us with valuable advice and guidance. We have definitely improved our water efficiency and made some significant financial savings as a result.”

Jason Clarke, Energy and Environment Manager, City University London