With completion of the Flexible Plastic Fund (FPF) FlexCollect Project scheduled for spring 2025, join us to learn how the local authority collection pilots are performing and how the expansions from 75,000 – to 145,000 households are going.
Whilst the final reports and analysis will not be available until later in summer 2025, the webinar provides the opportunity to refresh on the learnings so far and next steps, helping you in the preparations for national collections of plastic bags and wrapping in 2027. The project is being managed by a consortium comprising the project co-funders, Ecosurety, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, RECOUP and WRAP.
Speakers include:
1.Gareth Morton – Ecosurety
2.Oliver Morrall – Suez
3. Adam Herriot – WRAP
4. Steve Morgan - Recoup
5. Rebecca Wilson – Newcastle City Council