
6 May 2021

Research exploring the current behaviours around carrier bag use and attitudes related to the use of bags for life and to the current 5p carrier bag charge amongst consumers in England.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Plastic packaging design
  • Global Plastics Pacts
  • Reuse and refill
  • Film and flexible packaging
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Collections & recycling
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Re-use
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Packaging producers
25 February 2021

WRAP has carried out research on the contribution resource efficiency can make to achieving climate change targets. It covers supply of and demand for materials and products in the UK economy, and also accounts for the trade with the rest of the world. Thus, it covers the contribution from UK territorial emissions and from emissions related to consumption of goods and services imported from abroad.

  • Plastic packaging design
  • Reuse and refill
  • Film and flexible packaging
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • Re-use & recycling
  • Non-clothing textiles
  • Design for extending clothing life
  • National government and departments
12 January 2021

This report is for businesses seeking to make improvements to packaging design by taking a systemic view of material choices to lower the environmental impacts of packaging.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Plastic packaging design
  • Global Plastics Pacts
  • Reuse and refill
  • Film and flexible packaging
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Packaging producers
  • Trade associations
8 December 2020

Presenting our 2019-20 annual report. A year on from our inaugural annual report where we published our 2018 baseline data we can now present our 2019 data highlights and member actions. 

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Plastic packaging design
  • Global Plastics Pacts
  • Reuse and refill
  • Film and flexible packaging
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Re-use
  • Re-use and recycling
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Packaging producers
  • Trade associations
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
19 December 2019

The UK Plastics Pact is leading a global wave of change in the way we make, use, reuse and dispose of plastic. The UK's model is being replicated in other countries to form a powerful global movement as part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's New Plastics Economy initiative. Since April 2018 the Pact has made meaningful progress working towards the four ambitious targets.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Plastic packaging design
  • Global Plastics Pacts
  • Reuse and refill
  • Film and flexible packaging
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
  • Packaging producers
  • Trade associations
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
13 December 2016

Windrow composting is used for processing garden waste, such as grass cuttings, pruning and leaves in either an open air environment or within large covered areas where the material can break down in the presence of oxygen.

  • Reuse and refill
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Farmers and growers
  • Waste management and reprocessors
4 March 2015

Real nappies can offer a more sustainable alternative to disposable nappies depending on how they are used.

In this section you will find out about real nappies and key things to consider when planning a campaign such as barriers, incentives and partnership working.

  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • Reuse and refill
  • Local Authorities