
6 February 2019

This qualitative research explored the connections between health, sustainability, and food waste.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Waste management and reprocessors
6 February 2019

WRAP and Valpak partnered to combine their unique data sets on food purchase and food waste to look at consumption patterns in the UK.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Household food waste
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • National government and departments
Case study
6 February 2019

Supporting the findings in the Healthy Sustainable Eating and Food Waste research, workshops were run with two community groups to explore food consumption and food waste generation in lower income groups.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Household food waste
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
5 February 2019

Identification of and recommendations to overcome barriers to the development of post-consumer, closed loop clothing recycling in the UK.

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Fibre & fabric selection
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Re-use & recycling
  • Design for extending clothing life
  • SCAP 2020
  • Textiles sourcers, producers and designers
4 February 2019

Unlocking the full economic and environmental benefits of waste reduction and resource efficiency in the food and drink supply chain requires a rapid transition to a more sustainable food system. More efficient production and wasting less will help, but we should also consider the sustainability of the food we eat, sell and serve.

Pulses, grains and vegetables require fewer resources and generate less greenhouse gas emissions than other food types, and are therefore cornerstones of sustainable eating.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Household food waste
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • National government and departments
30 January 2019

This review highlights the core achievements and impact of the Courtauld Commitment 2025 2017-18. It demonstrates that work is taking place across the food and drink chain, from ‘farm to fork’, in support of the agreement’s targets.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Surplus food redistribution
  • Water stewardship
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Guardians of Grub
  • Meat, poultry and fish
  • Fresh produce sector
  • Dairy sector
  • Bakery sector
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Packaging producers
21 January 2019

This guidance is intended to help local authorities maximise the benefit that they obtain for the dry recyclables collected as part of their provision of waste services.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Dry materials
  • Recovered materials markets
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
Case study
28 November 2018

This report reviews the available evidence of the effects of plastic packaging in helping to reduce the amount of fresh produce thrown away in the home to inform discussions on providing uncut fresh fruit and vegetables loose/plastic-free in store.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Retailers and brands
Case study
5 November 2018

New report by WRAP uncovers the scale of the milk waste across the supply chain and highlights the ways we can significantly reduce thousands of tonnes of milk waste worth more than £150Million.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Hospitality and food service
30 October 2018

The Renewable Fertiliser Matrix details when renewable fertilisers can be used to grow different crops.

  • Food and drink
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Farmers and growers
  • Retailers and brands
12 October 2018

This report details compositional analysis of plastics received and produced by UK Material Recovery Facilities and Plastic Recovery Facilities. 

  • Plastic Packaging
  • The UK Plastics Pact
  • Collections & recycling
  • Collections and sorting
  • Kerbside collection
  • Material Recovery Facilities
  • Dry materials
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
12 October 2018

This research assessed the impact of light-weighting plastic bottles on the sorting and recycling stages.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • The UK Plastics Pact