
23 August 2023

In May 2022, WRAP published a set of Scope 3 GHG Measurement & Reporting Protocols to act as sector guidance for food and drink businesses, building on the GHG Protocol and other global standards.

  • Food and drink
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
22 August 2023

In May 2022, WRAP published a set of Scope 3 GHG Measurement & Reporting Protocols to act as sector guidance for food and drink businesses, building on the GHG Protocol and other global standards.

  • Food and drink
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Whole chain resource efficiency
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
Case study
26 July 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
26 July 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
26 July 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
26 July 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Farmers and growers
25 July 2023

The scale of plastic pollution from composts and digestates, its potential impact and opportunities for its mitigation are largely unquantified. This project has explored some of these questions to develop an understanding of the knowledge base and data gaps.

  • Collections & recycling
  • Organics
  • Recovered materials markets
  • Farmers and growers
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
  • National government and departments
17 July 2023

From new voluntary agreements in Colombia and Denmark to engaging citizens in 12 countries through Food Waste Action Week, our Annual Report gives an insight into what WRAP was busy working on in 2022/23. 

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Circular Economy Fund
  • Public Sector Procurement Support
  • Food and drink
  • Textiles
  • Collections & recycling
  • Farmers and growers
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Textiles sourcers, producers and designers
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
  • Packaging producers
  • Trade associations
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
Case study
12 July 2023

Since Angus Soft Fruits started their Food Waste Reduction Roadmap journey, they have managed to have a 29% reduction in food waste.

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • Fresh produce sector
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
4 April 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
4 April 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers
Case study
4 April 2023

As part of WRAP’s work upscaling farm food waste measurement in the UK, we delivered nine projects with supply chain businesses and developed corresponding case studies for each to address on-farm food surplus and waste. 

  • Food and drink
  • Reducing and preventing food waste
  • Measuring and reporting food waste
  • Courtauld Commitment
  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
  • UN SDG 12.3
  • Farmers and growers
  • Manufacturers