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In November 2021, 65 key stakeholders from across all sectors of the UK food industry and water stewardship community came together to support WRAP’s…
Press release
Efforts to cut the environmental cost of clothing cancelled
Press release
Northern Ireland households are throwing out food they could eat
Press release
One festival tent uses as much plastic as
22 Coldplay LPs, 200 bottles and 9,000 straws
Press release
Water, World Food Day, Courtauld 2030, Water Roadmap,
Courtauld 2030 Water Roadmap
WRAP, Courtauld 2030, Water Roadmap
A Roadmap towards water security for food and drink supply.
Courtauld 2030 Water Roadmap collective action projects
Case study on reducing water use on a fruit farm in Kent.
This tool lays the foundation for guidance to organisations and governments in the UAE who are seeking to measure and tackle the water footprint…
Find out about WRAP’s collective action project in Lake Naivasha is one of eight similar projects in important at-risk fresh food sourcing areas for…
South Africa, Water Roadmap, water stress
In many of the world’s food and drink growing regions, a stable supply of good-quality water can no longer be relied upon. Investors and customers…
Update July 2022: The Water Ambition has now been superseded by the Courtauld 2030 Water Roadmap.
water stress, South Africa
Find out about our Water Roadmap project in Peru, focussing on strengthening the catchment’s water cycle and biodiversity, reducing soil runoff, and…
The Water Roadmap is co-ordinated by WRAP with collective action projects delivered by a large number of water stewardship expert bodies, on-the-…
1.1 million tonnes of fruit and veg are imported into the UK annually from Southern Spain. This area is one of the most at-risk sourcing regions for…
Around one third of the UK’s strawberries are sourced in Medway and the regional soft fruit sector in particular, a major water consumer, continues…
Our Water Roadmap project in Norfolk and the Cam and Ely Ouse (Norfolk and CamEO) catchments is delivered by Norfolk Rivers Trust in partnership with…
This report tracks progress and gives an update on achievements, whilst outlining the urgent action needed to not only deliver on targets but create…
Avoiding a perfect storm in our rivers and thoughts from World Water Week in Stockholm
Press release
Food Waste, Champions 12.3, UN, GHG, Water quality, food systems
Supporters of Meat in a Net Zero world are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural assets like forests and water resources…
WRAP work across the supply chain, from field to fork, enabling businesses to reduce food waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce water…
WRAP works with organisations in the food and drink industry to create economic and environmental value from reducing food waste and greenhouse gas…
WRAP is stepping up to the challenge and taking action to transform the way that textiles and clothing are bought, used and re-used. By creating a…