Recycle Week is a celebration of recycling across the nation
Recycle Week is the Recycle Now campaign's annual flagship event. It's the one week of the year where retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments and the media come together to achieve one goal: to galvanise the public into recycling more of the right things, more often.
Recycle Week 2025
We are pleased to announce that Recycle Week 2025 will run from 22 to 28 September, so save the date in your diaries! Watch this space for more information coming soon.

Opportunities to get involved
Recognition of our Recycle Now ‘swoosh logo’ is at an all-time high, with 80% of citizens recalling the logo.
Joining Recycle Week celebrations will align your brand with this national high-profile event and demonstrate that it takes sustainability seriously.
If you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of Recycle Week 2025, please contact us: [email protected].
Recycle Week through the years
Since 2004 Recycle Week has delivered the nation's largest recycling behaviour change campaign. Through an ambitious mix of film, social media, on street initiatives, influencers, radio and PR, Recycle Week has encouraged citizens to recycle, using the power of its one voice.
Our research
Through WRAP’s Recycling Tracker, we know that 88% of UK households regularly recycle. This is a testament to the focus and investment from WRAP’s citizen-facing brand Recycle Now and its partners over the years.
However, the data in the Recycling Tracker highlights that 87% of UK households recycle 1 or more items which are not accepted in the kerbside recycling and 57% miss one or more items which could be recycled at the kerbside.
We have made great strides, but more is needed. In a world where resources are limited, Recycle Now’s vision is to get people recycling the right things more often.
Recycle Week 2024
Recycle Week 2024 took place from 14-20 October 2024, focusing on rescuing recyclable items from the rubbish bin. By recycling at least one extra item as part of our daily recycling routine, we can make a huge difference.
We brought this to live with our recyclable crew, made up of the top 5 items often missed in our recycling across the UK. Hube the toilet roll tube, Yogi the yoghurt pot, Dee Dee the deodorant, Fitz the perfume bottle and Rey the plastic spray bottle. With Recycle Week ambassador, JJ Chalmers, and WRAP CEO, Harriet Lamb, we visited 10 Downing Street to highlight how one billion items that could be recycled are ending up in the bin each year in UK homes.
Thank you to Boots and Tesco for sponsoring Recycle Week 2024 and supporting our mission to inspire everyone to rescue those recyclables.
Rescue Me - Recycle
By giving commonly binned items a personality, Recycle Now is helping people realise that more and more of the things they’ve been putting in the bin can be recycled after all. View and download our Rescue Me - Recycle campaign toolkit and communications materials.
Households waste over one billion items every year that could be recycled
Learn more about Recycle Week 2024, where we highlighted the one billion items binned each year that could be rescued and recycled.
Learn more about Recycle Week 2023 - The Big Recycling Hunt.