Our work in action
UK and international collaboration
We are working with businesses across the plastics value chain here in the UK and globally through the Plastics Pact network, transforming how we make, use, collect, sort, reuse and recycle plastics to create a circular economy, capturing the value of plastic, keeping it in the economy and out of the natural environment.
Working with key partners internationally, our voluntary agreements are transforming whole systems uniting businesses, governments and citizens behind a shared vision and measurable targets for change.

The UK Plastics Pact
Our throwaway culture has led to increasing levels of plastic waste in our natural environment. Taking action to rid us of this scourge requires concerted global and national level action. WRAP is leading this national level action in the UK through The UK Plastics Pact working with businesses towards four measurable targets for change by 2025.

India Plastics Pact
The Pact has been developed by WWF India and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). WRAP is supporting The India Plastics Pact as strategic partners with funding by UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and Stewart Investors.

Collaborative Partnerships
We develop partnerships that deliver change in those countries where the need is greatest. We work with in country partners so that each Pact is set up to deliver impact.