Colombia Plastic Pact

WRAP’s role

WRAP initiated the Plastics Pact in Colombia by selecting CEMPRE as a coordinator and working with CEMPRE on the design and delivery of the platform.

WRAP has been providing financial, technical and strategic support to CEMPRE for the implementation of the Colombian Plastics Pact.

Who is signed up?

Currently the Colombian Plastics Pact has 10 business members from the whole value chain and nine supporters including trade associations, recycling associations, NGO, municipalities and academia. 

The targets 

The four targets of the Colombia Plastic Pact are:

  1. Eliminate 100% of problematic and unnecessary plastics.
  2. 100% of plastic packaging must be reusable, recyclable or compostable.
  3. 50% effective recycling rate of plastic packaging and containers.
  4. Ensure that new plastic containers and packaging contain 30% of recycled content.

Milestones and impact

Still in its first year of deliver, the Colombia Plastics Pact has set a national baseline and targets for 2030. It is in the process of developing its Roadmap and starting working groups to deliver impact. 

Visit the Colombia Plastics Pact website

Explore more

  • Collaborative plastics partnerships

    We work with in country partners to ensure each Pact is suitable and impactful in the region it is intended for.
    Explore our other collaborative partnerships.

  • Colombia launches second Plastics Pact in Latin America

  • Social impact of waste collection