Divergences between UK WEEE & EU WEEE Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Systems
62 million tonnes of electronics worth £72 million were wasted during 2022, and less than one quarter was recycled. The production of 1kg of electronics results in the emission of 25kg of carbon into the atmosphere. The necessity of WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) EPR systems has never been more essential to support the reuse, refurbishment, and recycling of used EEE.
During 2024, reforms to both the UK WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) EPR system and the EU WEEE EPR system are being planned. This guide summarises the planned WEEE EPR system reforms in the UK and EU, how the UK and EU WEEE EPR systems diverge, and common issues associated to WEEE EPR reforms.
Report: USA packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) developments in during 2023

In USA, less than 50% of the 80 million tons of packaging waste produced each year is recycled. 11 USA states introduced packaging EPR Bills during 2023. 2023 was an active year for packaging EPR in USA and policy experts predicted that 2024 would be an equally active year.
WRAP produced this guide to provide a summary of USA packaging EPR developments during 2023.
Report: Summary of the proliferation of Textiles EPR systems across the world
Other than in France, Textiles EPR systems are not well established. The need for systems to manage textile waste has become significantly more apparent in recent years and consequently, Textiles EPR systems are emerging around the world. The total volume of greenhouse gases emitted from textiles production annually is 1.2 billion tonnes. 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions come from clothing and footwear.

WRAP has produced this report to summarise the proliferation of EPR systems for the textiles waste stream across the world.