Priority actions for UK Plastics Pact members.
What actions will Pact members need to take to get as close to the 2025 targets as possible?
Policy is required, particularly to support the further elimination of unnecessary packaging including from uncut fresh produce and ensure the collection and recycling of plastic bags and wrapping. This will support businesses to achieve the targets of The UK Plastics Pact.
But the planet can’t wait. We can all act now.
WRAP is calling for urgent action from all businesses to join Pact members in:
Removing unnecessary plastic.
Including the removal of packaging from uncut fresh produce, for 30% of sales of fresh produce to be loose by 2025.
Further simplifying plastic packaging design.
Moving to mono-materials across all pack formats and away from polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by 2025.
Moving from pilots to scaled reuse/ refill systems.
Joining WRAP’s collaborative action group to facilitate this.
Engaging with citizens to recycle as much as they can.
Contact WRAP to find out how best to achieve this.
Including / increasing recycled content.
By reviewing all plastic packaging to consider opportunities, particularly bags/ wrapping and coloured plastics.
Supporting the case for investment in critical infrastructure.
Setting up longer-term contracts for recyclate.