The UK Plastics Pact business members account for two-thirds of consumer plastic packaging in the UK. Together they hold the key to tackling plastic pollution. Find out how the entire supply chain is helping deliver systemic change.
- The second report detailing progress towards all four targets
- It details the pledges of members for future action
- Including updates from 85 business members
18 months into a seven year initiative
The UK Plastics Pact is a unique coalition of more than 120 businesses, governments, local authorities and organisations committed to tackling plastic pollution by transforming the way we make, use and dispose of plastic packaging in the UK.
As part of this, the Pact has set four ambitious targets by 2025 to be met by those business members of the Pact from the manufacturing, retail, hospitality and food service, producers, reprocessors and the recycling industry (currently around 85 business members).
Just over 18 months in to this seven year initiative, Pact members from across the supply chain have come together to showcase the actions that they have taken so far and the future commitments that they are making to deliver against the targets.
The report excludes information from those members or supporters who are not delivering against the targets, but who support the aims of the Pact in other ways. These include, for example, trade associations, governments, and NGOs.
The report demonstrates how collaboration across the entire plastics supply chain is delivering real change.
View the full member progress report here.
Click the links below to view highlights of member progress against each target:

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