29 November 2016 Report

Using recycled polymers in new products: A business opportunity

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This report details the opportunities in end-markets for recovered recycled plastics and is of particular interest to those re-selling recycled plastics or producing products or packaging with virgin plastics. 

Key points

  • The UK produced 2.5 million tonnes of plastics in 2012
  • Around 40% of this is for single use packaging and films


The UK processes more than four million tonnes of plastics per annum. Approximately 40 per cent of plastics are used for single-use disposable applications, such as packaging, agricultural films and disposable consumer items, between 20 and 25% for long-term infrastructure such as pipes, cable coatings and structural materials such as windows and 6% for automotive use.

WRAP has identified a number of business opportunities for increasing the use of recycled polymers in the UK. This document presents the business case for recycled plastics and is designed to highlight commercial opportunities in the UK.

To find out more about the current use of recycled plastic ploymers and how an increase in their adoption could cut costs to business and local authorities, please download the full report.

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  • WRAP-Business case using recycled polymers in new products_0.pdf

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