Global demand on resources has reached a critical level, and public engagement with climate change issues has never been so high. Brands and retailers need to take action to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
For food and drink businesses, scope 3 GHG emissions are typically a substantial proportion of their total organisational footprint, and there is increasing pressure from customers, investors, and other stakeholders to measure, report, and reduce emissions.
Through the UK Food and Drink Pact, WRAP is working closely with businesses, governments, academics and expert bodies, responding to an urgent need for clarity and direction in the area of scope 3 GHG emissions.
Why this matters
- 45% of GHG emissions can only be tackled by changing the way we make and consume products and food.
- 30% of global GHG emissions comes from food production.
WRAP has set a target for the UK Food and Drink Pact to deliver a 50% absolute reduction in GHG emissions associated with food and drink consumed in the UK by 2030 (against a 2015 baseline).
Achieving a 50% reduction in emissions from the UK food system won’t be easy. The scale of the challenge is significant, and the need to act is urgent.
We need to act in a collaborative way if we are to succeed. But already, organisations across the UK food system have shown their commitment and willingness to collaborate, by signing up to the UK Food and Drink Pact target.