Food waste is an end-to-end challenge that requires end-to-end solutions. WRAP and IGD are inviting businesses to participate in whole chain food waste reduction plans (WCPs) – working together across the supply chain to take joint actions that reduce farm to fork food waste.
WCPs are a key deliverable of the Courtauld Commitment 2030 and the UK Food Waste Reduction Roadmap. These case studies are taken from the Roadmap's WCP projects.
Businesses interested in undertaking a whole chain food waste reduction plan can contact the WRAP team
Getting together with the whole supply chain is very rare. It provided a unique opportunity for all links in the chain to understand how decisions made at each stage of the development and launch of a product can affect waste.
“It is important for us to understand and manage our waste levels. Working collaboratively with our customers and suppliers has given us all a broader understanding of what can drive waste within our operations."
Norman Watson, Greencore
We know that we can’t tackle the problem of food surplus and waste alone… it’s something we need to work collaboratively on which is why we are passionate about working with our suppliers on whole chain food waste reduction projects.”
Sophie Davies, Sustainability Manager, Asda
'Making waste central to the decision making process and continuing to assess consumptions and losses in the supply chain is a significant opportunity for the business. Consideration of ‘waste’ in all its forms is not only good commercial sense, but it is expected by the consumers of products from an ethical retailer.'
Philip Burgess, Agronomy and Technical Manager, Co-op
'Walking the process was key as it highlighted the need to observe what actually happens, not what we thought happened.'
Steve Normington, Top Fruit Trading Manager, Musgrave GB
'By walking the whole supply chain, identifying root causes of losses and inefficiencies, and then brainstorming solutions, the whole team were able to identify and agree on opportunities to improve efficiency and productivity for all.'
Andrew Wright, Corporate Responsibility Manager, Tulip