Courtauld Affiliates

Courtauld Affiliates will take you further

The Courtauld Commitment 2030 is a UK success story, with ambitious targets aligned with global environmental goals that are enabling the food and drink sector to play its part in the race to net zero. Key to the success of Courtauld 2030 is collaboration, and the broader the base of businesses that join us, the greater the level of impact we can achieve.

The Courtauld Affiliates membership model has been developed to enable businesses who are part of the Food System, but don’t manufacture or retail food and drink, to support its transformation

Courtauld Affiliates can support and influence the achievement of the GHG, water and food waste targets. WRAP will create individual action plans and tailor its support to ensure each Affiliate business can maximise its own unique contribution.

Affiliate membership is suitable for:

  • Business who can impact change through working with food and drink businesses and/or citizens.
  • Have the time and expertise available to participate in working groups and ability to impact change in food industry and citizens.

Courtauld Affiliates can collectively tackle the issues affecting the sector

  • Form peer working groups for specific sectors and audiences to identify hotspots, agree priorities and develop collaborative actions.
  • Participate in collaborative working groups on specific target areas such as developing guidance on Scope 3 emissions measurement, steering water stewardship projects in key sourcing areas, and increasing capacity for food redistribution.
  • Support pilots and projects that test and evaluate new, evidence-backed solutions for preventing consumer waste.
  • Undertake whole supply chain collaborative projects that can transform theoretical understanding of a supply chain, uncovering savings and improving relationships.
  • Review projects to create new data and insights, such as tracking consumer behaviour and retailer good practice.
  • Utilise tools and support to build the business case and provide guidance on how to
  • target, measure, act and participate in
  • successful initiatives such as the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.
  • Drive engagement with initiatives such as Guardians of Grub and consumer engagement by partnering on Love Food Hate Waste campaigns.
Read the press release