Accelerate the circular economy

We’re leading the world away from a ‘take-make-dispose’ culture to a ‘design-make-reuse’ approach — radically reducing waste and carbon emissions from everyday products.​


The way we make and use our products contributes significantly to climate change and biodiversity loss, and there is an urgent need for us to act now across nations, businesses, and homes.

We need a rapid shift away from the linear ‘take, make, dispose’ industrial model of the last century.

Our aim is to progress the transition to a circular economy by keeping products and materials in use for longer, supporting innovation, adopting new business models and increasing the amount of material that is reused or recycled, as well as minimising waste and reducing the reliance on virgin materials.

The issues

3 billion
More than 3 billion people around the world are without access to waste services.
525 mt
In the G7, making better use of products by extending their lifetimes would result in 525 mt of carbon equivalent savings per year.
Global waste is predicted to grow 73% by 2050 to 3.9 billion tonnes.
Less developed nations require support and investment to achieve 50% recycling by 2050.

Priority actions for accelerating the circular economy

Championing reuse and recycling

Championing reuse and recycling

We promote waste prevention and support initiatives that increase reuse and recycling, conserving valuable resources and reducing the carbon footprint of the products we consume.

We work in the areas that we know we can make the biggest difference, collaborating with organisations around the globe that want to make a difference.

Implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

As consumption of a wide range of products continues to grow rapidly across the world it is imperative that problematic waste is tackled.

We are working with organisations across the globe to provide guidance and expertise relating to existing or potential EPR systems for various problematic waste streams.

Transition to product circularity

Transition to product circularity

To transition to a new model of design, make, and reuse we need to change our approach to product creation and consumption. An approach where products are designed to minimise environmental impact and maximise resource efficiency is needed.

There is an appetite from citizens to buy products designed in this way. Our suite of Circular Living Standards provide a solution for brands and manufacturers to make that transition.

Supporting resource management changes, and stimulating innovation

Supporting resource management changes, and stimulating innovation

We help with national and regional governments around the world to shape policy decisions that can be developed into actions that prevent waste.

We work with governments, waste management companies and businesses to make their waste and recycling services the best they can be, offering bespoke technical support to improve the quality and quantity of recycling in the UK, USA, Australia and EU.

Delivering transformative change

  • Campaigns to encourage citizens to recycle more of the right things, more often

    The aim of Recycle Now and Wales Recycles is to build nations where recycling is the norm and, together with our partners, help make a better world for future generations.

  • Focussing on repair and reuse to develop a circular economy in Wales

    We are working with the Welsh Government to promote a 'Universal culture for Reuse and Repair' in Wales, by engaging stakeholders, promoting and sharing best practice.

  • Working with organisations to implement best practice in EPR

    WRAP has the expertise to support stakeholders across the EPR value chain. We can provide guidance relating to existing or potential EPR systems for various problematic waste streams.

  • Working with local and national governments to deliver quality waste collection and recycling services

    WRAP provides free, impartial support to governments and authorities on topics such as performance benchmarking, options modelling and communications to support service change or improve capture.

  • Delivering Circular Living Standards

    Our Circular Living Standards are a transparent, science-based, data-driven, comprehensive suite of product certifications to reduce the impact of a product on the environment and help consumers make informed purchase decisions.

  • Providing market analysis for the recycling industry

    WRAP supports in-depth market information for those buying or selling reprocessed materials and on the latest economic trends and developments facing the UK’s recycling industry.

  • Supporting sustainable public sector

    WRAP Cymru has been providing free sustainable procurement support to public sector organisations in Wales since 2016, aiming to embed sustainability and low carbon principles into procurement strategies and activities.

  • Financing for action and innovation

    WRAP design and manage grants, loans and blended finance to help prevent waste, increase resource and material efficiency. We deliver a range of funding instruments, from large capital grants to innovation competitions and accelerators.

Progress and impact

Join us in leading the change

Together we can make Circular Living a reality.

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