18 Medi 2024 Case study

Wales: leading the way to a circular economy

From one of the lowest recycling rates in Europe to the second highest in the world, Wales has transformed its recycling systems and cemented itself as a circular economy leader. 


Experiencing critically low recycling rates, the Welsh Government realised significant change was needed. They called on WRAP to help roll out an ambitious, multi-year programme.


WRAP supported the Welsh Government to develop essential recycling infrastructure and meet ambitious recycling rate targets. The partnership has extended beyond recycling, working together to embed Circular Living across Wales.


Wales now rank second highest in the world for their recycling rates. Together, we have avoided hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste, whilst generating hundreds of new, sustainable jobs.


Countries around the world now have ambitions or goals that support the creation of a circular economy, but turning those into actionable plans necessary to drive systemic transformation is hugely challenging.

In the early 2000s Wales had recycling rates as low as 5%, among the lowest in the European Union. The Welsh Government recognised the need to change and funded WRAP to support them in an ambitious, multi year, transformational programme. 


We have worked with the Welsh Government on sustainability issues since the devolution of power from the central UK Government:

Developing essential recycling infrastructure

In 2011 WRAP supported the Welsh Government to develop essential recycling infrastructure in the form of a Collections Blueprint, collaborating with both the devolved government and local authorities. The financial, environmental and social implications of existing recycling collection systems informed the creation of a new model that enhanced recycling rates and met sustainability goals while delivering cost savings for local authorities.

Driving ambitious targets

WRAP’s research was used to set legally-binding targets to put Wales on the path to an ambitious recycling rate of 70%. Leveraging our trusted network of connections with researchers and businesses, we worked with the government to achieve this target and bolster their recycling collections, piloting and scaling new collection approaches. We also ran multiple information and behaviour change campaigns, and created digital tools to help people recycle at home and in the workplace.

Administering funding to embed Circular Living

The Welsh Government recognise that recycling is just one part of their broader circular economy strategy. From 2013 onwards we helped the Welsh Government administer funding and grants to businesses committed to using recycled content or reusing materials or products that would otherwise go to waste, ensuring that circularity worked from an economic perspective. We most recently awarded grants as part of the £6.5 million Circular Economy Fund launched in 2019.

From 2016 onwards, WRAP has provided support to public sector organisations across Wales to embed sustainability and low carbon processes into their procurement, and 2021 marked our collaboration with Natural Resources Wales on a £9 million tree planting scheme. 


The Welsh Government, supported by WRAP’s expertise and multi-stakeholder approach proved a powerful combination: Wales is now a leader in the circular economy and has the second highest recycling rate in the world. Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste and carbon emissions have been avoided while hundreds of new, sustainable jobs have been created. Together we have created more, from less.

WRAP’s success in Wales:

  • Over £4.5 billion of Welsh public sector spend has been directed towards sustainable options generating a significant £12 return for every £1 spent
  • Over £10 million in funding and grants has been supplied to businesses working in the circular economy
  • In select supply chain projects funded through WRAP-administered grants, the use of recycled materials in products increased to as much as 100%. This led to a 50% reduction in carbon emissions for some businesses, while delivering a return on investment of £2.49 for every £1 spent.

WRAP continues to support the Welsh Government in their ambitious plans to achieve a zero-waste, net-zero economy, with our next steps focused on helping them deliver a universal culture of reuse and repair.

Deep dive: Conwy Council

WRAP’s work in Wales has involved close collaboration across all 22 local authorities, of which our work with Conwy Council is the strongest example — delivering practical local solutions while establishing scalable models that could potentially be used elsewhere.

In 2013 WRAP supported Conwy Council to upgrade its recycling collection system, focusing on creating a user-friendly scheme that ensured the collection of higher quality materials in larger quantities. We also helped with the creation of innovative design solutions, such as the new easily-stackable ‘Trolibocs’ (an amalgamation of ‘trolley’ and ‘box’ in Welsh) system for home recycling. After a successful pilot, WRAP supported their county wide rollout.

The launch of the new system:

  • increased the amount of recycling collected by an estimated 600 tonnes a year in Conwy
  • prevented more than £60,000 worth of material from going to landfill
  • generated an additional £40,000 in recycling income for the Council, and 
  • enabled them to not only meet, but surpass the statutory recycling targets set by the Welsh Government.

A critical part of the work we do happens post-implementation. 

We carry out research to evaluate the impact of the changes we instigate, and in Conwy Council’s case, found that residents were equally pleased with the service, with 83% of survey respondents reporting that they use the recycling service every week.